2024 Early Intervention and Preschool Conference Call for Proposals and RFP Application

The Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce that proposals are now being accepted for the 2024 Early Intervention and Preschool Conference. This conference is designed to share information and develop skills for professionals and families who work with children with developmental delays or disabilities (ages birth to five). The conference will take place October 28-30, 2024 in Mobile, Alabama. The committee will meet in early April to begin reviewing proposals. THE FINAL DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL IS March 29th, 2024.


Please read the following guidelines before submitting a proposal:

  • Complete and submit the Request for Proposal (RFP) application by the deadline. This year, we are requesting additional information as part of the RFP about your session such as learning objectives, speaker bios, room set-up, and technology/AV needs. This information will help us with reviewing proposals, but also with planning without requesting a second round of questions. This information will be confirmed closer to the conference in case there are any changes.
  • By using the link below to submit, you will be able to save and return to your application later to complete, and you will receive a copy of your submission.
  • We are also requiring a HIPAA and Financial Disclosure form to be uploaded for EACH presenter as part of the application process. These forms can be found below and MUST be completed, scanned, and uploaded as part of the application. Additional forms can be uploaded later if speakers change. This conference applies for CEUs from various professional licensing entities and they have strict requirements regarding session information and program content.
  • The RFP application can be submitted HERE, or via email using the PDF fillable form below for those who are not able to submit directly. Conference organizers ask that you try to submit via the link to prevent the application from having to be entered manually. If you submit via fillable PDF form, you MUST also complete, scan, and email the HIPAA and Financial Disclosure Form below for EACH presenter.
  • Proposals will be sent to the appropriate group to review based on the content area listed on your application. These groups are made up of professionals with expertise in each content area group. This way, we will ensure that input regarding proposals is received from those in that particular discipline.
  • Content presented must be based on developmentally appropriate and evidence-based practice related to working with children ages birth to five with developmental delays or disabilities.
  • Once your proposal is reviewed, you will be notified by email whether it has been approved. If accepted by the committee as a 2024 presenter, conference registration fees for the lead presenter and one co-presenter will be waived. Only two presenter conference registration fees will be waived per session without prior approval. Additional presenters must register as pay general attendees. You are responsible for making your own travel and hotel arrangements and covering all of your time and travel expenses. 

If you have any questions or need additional information, email jcarden.ucpconference@gmail.com.

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